Do you know how you’re going to manage your time in the IELTS Reading test? The IELTS Reading Academic module expects you to read three passages and answer 40 questions. You have an hour in which to answer, and you can work at your very own pace. Be that as it may, what amount of time would it be advisable for you to spend reading, and what amount of time answering the questions? A good way to manage your time in the IELTS Reading test is to start with the text that’s easiest for you. If you start with one of the more difficult texts/sections, you’ll probably spend longer than 20 minutes on it and have less time for the other texts/sections. The guidance from IELTS is to go through 20 minutes for each content in the IELTS Academic Reading test (or 20 minutes for each section in the IELTS General Training Reading test). In any case, numerous IELTS applicants spend too much time on one content/segment and don't have enough time to answer the majority of the 40 questi...